Trends We're Seeing: Retail Drinkware
With brands like S’well, bkr, Hydroflask, Thermos, and Yeti dominating the drinkware industry, most companies will often look for and desire similar features in their promotional drinkware. From stylish glass bottles with silicone sleeves (like bkr) and travel coffee tumblers (like Thermos), to double wall vacuum insulated stainless steel bottles (like Hydroflask, S’well, and Yeti), you can walk into any retail store such as Target, Starbucks, or REI, and find entire aisles devoted to drinkware sales. But, these retail brands can be pricey and not unique to the brand you are trying to promote, since they do not have your logo.
Thankfully, you can get these same styles and quality for far less! Even after they are customized with your logo, these items will still cost significantly less than anything you could ever buy in a retail store. Drinkware gives you an amazing return on your investment, as most people take their favorite water bottle everywhere. Most importantly, the large imprint areas that many of these bottles have, give you endless options of creating something stylish to help your brand stand out!!!
Content compliments of ETS Express. View the products inspired by this new trend: here