Employee Spotlight - Kim Holm

Behind the Scenes: A Look into Promoshop’s Coordinator in Operations and HR

Navigating the Intersection of People and Efficiency

As the HR and Operations Coordinator at Promoshop, Kim wears many hats. Her role is a dynamic blend of ensuring employee well-being, streamlining operations, and fostering a positive work environment.

“Kim is one of those people who joins a team and leans all the way in. Her impact and contribution have made our organization better with every project she touches. She consistently goes above the job to find creative solutions for any challenges we have and is always thinking about our team members and how to help improve their experience while at work. I am so grateful that Kim Holm chose to join our team – it is a true joy to work with her at PromoShop.” – Kate Alavez, President

Let’s dive into the details!

Bringing Smiles to the Workplace

Kim shares that her primary mission is to ensure that everyone feels at home within Promoshop. From managing office supplies to organizing open houses, she is the go-to person for creating a welcoming atmosphere. But it doesn’t stop there—she also curates our beloved themed employee birthday and appreciation kits, the onboarding of new employees, books travel and more!

Uniting a Nationwide Team

Promoshop operates across the country, and Kim’s role extends beyond the office walls. She facilitates on-site and virtual engagements, brings employees together for learning sessions and team-building activities. “Whether it’s an incentive program or a safety initiative, I collaborate with various departments to ensure everyone’s success.”

“Since joining our company, Kim has made us a better organization! Her passion for culture and creative events makes it fun to be at work and keeps us engaged. Thank you, Kim!” – Memo Kahan, CEO

The Art of Event Coordination

Kim finds that one of her most exciting challenges is putting together events or themed kits. The creative process involves brainstorming ideas, bouncing them off colleagues (shoutout to Kate!). Kim would like to emphasize that the joy of receiving thank-you notes from employees of all levels after a successful event makes it all worthwhile.

Empowering Mindset

Kim expresses that “In this role, I’ve discovered that there’s nothing I can’t handle. Challenges are opportunities for growth, and I’ve embraced the mindset that I can tackle anything that comes my way. It helps that Kate Alavez our new president, has believed in me since day one and has trusted me to continue the many programs she started.”

“Kim has a wonderful way of making everyone feel cared for. When I see her name in my inbox, I automatically smile because I know it will be something fun, helpful, or supportive (and oftentimes, all three at once!). I truly admire the way she manages the complexities of her role with such positivity – we are so lucky to work with her!” – Lesley Angelopoulos, Creative Director

A Positive Work Environment

What sets Promoshop apart? According to Kim “It’s the positivity that permeates every corner of our workspace. Gratitude is a daily practice, and we’re down-to-earth—a team that genuinely cares about each other. We’re not just colleagues; we’re a family striving to exceed expectations together.

Disneyland Fun

Outside of work, Kim cherishes her family time. “My Disneyland passes get plenty of use—I try to visit twice a month with my kids & husband.” Adventureland is her favorite! “Painting, swimming with the kids, and date nights with my husband keep life balanced.”

“Kim goes above and beyond to ensure tasks at hand are met to the best of her abilities.  Her diligence, professionalism, creativity, and patience are a few of her great virtues. A great asset to the team and a pleasure to work alongside with.” – Abelina Echevarria, Sales Support

Kim says that it’s the people of Promoshop that make it great and inspire her every day. Thank you, Kim! We’re looking forward to your continued success within Promoshop!

Pepe PromoShop